WWU's GEF Sustainable Energy Efficient Dorm Pilot

How To Be A Worms Best Friend


This week Eco-Challenge was inspired by food. As the days get colder, and I spend more time indoors, I find myself preparing more meals in my dorm. With the increased amount of home-cooked meals comes more organic food waste. The increase of food scraps prompted Libby and I to get a compost bin. Although, it may be smelly at times and add an extra container to empty at the end of the week, the pros outweigh the cons when it comes to composting. If one simply tosses food waste into the trash the organic matter will be taken to a landfill where it is unable to decompose properly, releasing methane gas which is even more detrimental to climate change than CO².

I found our new composting bin to be easy to maintain and not too smelly. It felt good to be contributing to the daily long-term practices that bring about real change. As renowned environmental activist Bill McKibben wrote in his novel Eaarth, “ We’ve got a lot of work to do if we’re going to survive on this Eaarth, but most of it needs to be done close to home. Small, not big; dispersed, not centralized.” I have discovered that true change happen over time with collective effort, so I hope you will consider purchasing an enclosed composting container for your room. It is an inexpensive and easy way to live a more sustainable lifestyle.

Plus, the worms will thank you for the favor!


Buying a compost bin can be a new and functional way to reduce your waste into the landfill, and on campus we have many compost bins if you are bringing food onto campus. Try making composting an every day activity and soon enough you wont even need to think twice as recycling and composting become a habit in your every day lifestyle!

If you are interested in learning about composting in Bellingham? check this out!

This Eco-Challenge was inspired by the SEED room’s energy saving refrigerator, and made us reflect upon what we can do to have a low carbon diet.

Join us every week in our Eco-Challenges! Even the smallest changes make a difference.

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